Thank you to everyone who came out on Sunday, we had a really nice farmers market despite a bit of rain in the morning. We’ve had some really great harvests this past week and are looking forward to the week ahead. We’ll have more head lettuce, salad radishes, Chinese cabbage, swiss chard, green beans, onions, peppers, summer squash, cucumbers, and tomatoes at market this weekend. It’s amazing how much is still coming out of the gardens.

Chinese cabbage is worth the wait!
The turnips, lettuces, broccoli and carrots are loving the cooler weather we’ve been getting here. The oat cover crop is coming up nicely and filling in the blank spaces. We’re so happy with where we’re at in our second season. We can’t imagine how beautiful and productive the farm will be next year!

Five beds of storage carrots for winter market
We’ve been busy this past week maintaining the gardens between all the harvesting. Aisles and borders were hoed, spent crops were removed and chickens are eating well. Our storage onions are fully cured and the garlic has been cleaned up. We’re holding onto a few storage items for the CSA for a little bit later in the season when all the summer crops are slowing down but we promise we’re going to share them with you all soon!

In the CSA this week:
Head lettuce
Scarlet Queen turnips
Green beans
Fresh onion
Chinese cabbage*
Swiss chard
Summer squash or peppers
Salad radish
*Chinese cabbage are great in stir fry. They are a long storage variety so don’t fret if you can’t eat it all in a week. Just continue to peel layers off to eat instead of chopping through the body so that it stores even longer!