We’re in the final stretch here on the vegetable farm. This week we pulled out the frost covers to get ready for some chilly weather coming up but we’ve had to use them a couple times already this week. The sunny, warm days this week were greatly appreciated as we are much more effective when it’s nice out.
We lost our WWOOFer Ben this week as he moved on to his next adventure leaving the two of us to bring in the storage harvest over the next couple weeks. We are excited to wrap up the gardens in the field and move onto some different kinds of projects but those probably won’t start until next month.
Week 18 CSA box
The apple harvest was not as good as we expected it to be. The first half of the orchard that was harvested last week had large apples and the second half had smaller apples. They are still good but we were really hoping everyone would get bigger apples in the CSA. As for all the not so great ones, we’ll be making cider and applesauce this week for home use so none go to waste!
We had a bit of aphid damage in about half of our turnip bed which is why the turnips do not have leaves this week. We thinned out the half that is healthy and salvaged what we could from the aphid half then Tyler took the torch to them to destroy the pests. The paste tomatoes made a surprise comeback this week with all the sun and we’re loving them for making salsa, pizza sauce and tomato soup!
There are two more farmers markets outside in Baileys until we move inside on November 12 for the first winter market. We’ll have leeks, watermelon radishes, lettuce mix and head lettuce, onions, rutabagas, kale and swiss chard. Hope to see you there.
What’s in the CSA
Head lettuce
Honeycrisp or MacIntosh apples
Fresh onions
Green bell peppers
Amish paste tomatoes
Salad turnips