This week our tenth CSA bag goes out to our members! Wow, we think this has been an amazing year so far and we hope that everyone is enjoying the vegetables we are growing for you all. It’s amazing to know that nearly 100% of what we grow is going to an appreciative home between our market customers, CSA members, and a couple of restaurants. That is every farmers dream.

Farmers market
This past week we’ve been busy harvesting away. We harvested two rows of summer cabbage, 275 pounds total which will be coming in the CSA this week and next week. This cabbage is very tender and sweet. We grew a lot of it for our own homemade sauerkraut for the winter. We encourage you to make some coleslaw, put it in salad, cook with it or try your own small batch of kraut. Tomatoes are in full swing. We’ve got plenty for the CSA this week and farmers market this weekend so please don’t hesitate to come out and get some.
Summer cabbage harvest, bed turnover, lettuce and onions planted
Our winter storage carrots and winter radishes are all seeded. We strawed the new succession of summer squash and it is looking very happy. Carrots were weeded and thinned out.

Summer squash round two with straw

Ally thinning carrots
Did we mention we’ve had some pest problems over the last week? The hoofed, furry type. We’ve tried an arsenal of tactics including: camping out, yelling when we see them, liquid fence, fishing line around the garden, coyote urine and leaving the car radio hooked up in the field. They kindly left just enough of our freckled head lettuce for the CSA to get some this week but took out many heads and munched on the green beans and some beets. Perhaps we’ll consider getting a dog next?
In the CSA this week:
Summer cabbage
Heirloom tomato
Bell pepper
Cherry tomatoes
Mini eggplant*
Fresh onion
Mustard greens*
Head lettuce
*Mini eggplant are great sliced in half and grilled. We tend to chop them and add them to stir fry. They do not need to be salted and drained like other larger types, skin is more tender too.
*Mustard greens are a Southern delicacy. We wilt them with some bacon and beans for a beans and greens side. We don’t really eat them raw because they pack a punch.