What is a CSA exactly?
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a type of sharecropping system in agriculture where the consumer and the producer partner to share in the risks of farming. The members help the farmer by purchasing a vegetable share for the season, usually in the winter, which gives financial assistance to the farmer to purchase seeds and equipment before the first seed is planted.
During the harvesting season, the farmer shares what is abundant and in season with the members while providing updates and information about the farm being supported. We share in the risks of farming because if a crop fails, the customer still gets whatever is available and the farmer can rest assured that the failure will not ruin the entire season because it is only a fraction of the vegetable varieties grown for the members. Remember, a farmer works for many months (usually March to June) before ever seeing a dime at the farmers market which is why CSA's are amazing!
Our CSA program is opening for new members on February 15, 2023!
To get on the waitlist please fill out the form and we will contact you via email when it's your turn to sign up.
Please read the FAQ section below to find out more about how our CSA program works including details for the 2023 season.
Example boxes from 2022
Is a CSA right for me?
You love to cook and experiment in the kitchen
You value a home cooked meal
- You value the taste of quality ingredients
- You want to support a small farmer in your community
Local is important to you and you want to know where your food is coming from
You like the idea of being 'forced' to try new foods (because let's face it, you would never intentionally put kohlrabi in your shopping cart)
Who is a CSA not for?
People who travel a lot in the summer
People who want to try eating more vegetables
People who do not like to cook
People who don't like to try new things
People who don't really care if it's organic
People who are picky eaters
People who want perfect produce
2023 Criswell's Market Garden CSA
Understanding our CSA in detail
How many items come in a box?
We will work hard to provide between 8-10 different items in your box each week totaling a value of about $30-35. As the season changes, your box will change according to what is ready to harvest. Spring bags will be lighter in weight with more greens. Summer and fall bags will be heavier. Items are bunched in volumes you would see at a farmers market and according to how much we have available to members.
Are the box sizes the same for weekly and bi-weekly?
Yes! The varieties and amounts of vegetables are the same for all of our members, only the frequency of boxes changes if you are weekly or bi-weekly.
What kind of vegetables do you grow?
We grow a little bit of everything on our market garden and we are always trying new varieties and new types of vegetables to see what works best in our climate.
Where are the drop off locations? What time do I pick up?
Pick up times for 2023 are TBD
Locations: About Thyme Farm, Baileys Harbor. Blossoms Flower House, Sister Bay. Kick Ash Coffee, Ellison Bay.
Do you deliver?
We do not offer home delivery.
When should I sign up?
The earlier the better! We are only accepting about 30 full shares (up to 60 half-shares) for our third season so availability is limited. Current members have first dibs, then our waitlist and finally anyone else.
What happens after I sign up?
When you sign up you will get a notification email welcoming you to the membership with more details about pick up locations and your pick up dates if you are a bi-weekly member, CSA member information and tips as the first delivery approaches.
What if I go on vacation/won't be able to pick up?
If you feel that you will not be able to make it to most of the delivery pick ups in the summer, please come shop at the farmers market instead of signing up for the CSA.
We need to know a minimum of 48 hours in advance of CSA pick up if you will not be picking up because we harvest and pack bags the day or two before delivery. If the bag makes it to the pick up location and no one picks it up for three times in a row with no communication to us, we retain the right to forfeit your membership.
If you go on vacation you have 2 options:
Have a friend come get your bag and sign out for you
Exchange your missed bag for a market token redeemable at our farmers market in Baileys Harbor or Wednesday at our farm stand. The token is good for a chance to redeem up to $30 worth of vegetables. You can use it whenever you want to but within the season, no carrying tokens over for next year. You have to use the whole token in one go, no partial tokens. We understand that you may have plans to leave town or travel during the summer so this is just for the occasional missed bag, not habitual misses.
Do you have a refund policy?
No, we do not give refunds for weeks you'll be gone or if you decide the CSA isn't something you want to participate in. By signing up for the CSA you are committed to supporting a local small family farm and sharing in the risks of farming.
Do you grow everything yourselves?
Yes! Tyler and Allison grow everything with the help of an intern or two in the summer. It all comes from our farm at the moment.
Are you organic?
Absolutely! We choose not to be certified, but we use practices that are aligned with or above the standards of the USDA organic certification program. It is our goal to use only physical, mineral and biological means to amend the soil and control pests on our farm in order to grow the healthiest, most nutrient dense food for our community. See our home page for more about how we grow.
What do I do with (eggplant, kohlrabi, bok choy...)?
There are so many great vegetable cookbooks and recipes online but we understand you are busy people, and so are we! We are working to expand our recipes and tips section on our website to help you figure out how to use our vegetables. More links coming soon.
Can I just buy _______?
For those who are not ready to commit to a weekly or bi-weekly farmers pick smorgasbord come visit us at the Baileys Harbor Farmers Market every Sunday (rain or shine!) from 9:00-1:00, May 15-October 16. And Baileys Harbor Town Hall for the winter market.
It’s also a great opportunity to chat with us about farming, flowers and food. We love meeting members! :)